paleo breakfast recipes

Early on, I discovered how critically important breakfast time was to the Paleo Lifestyle. Breakfast

provided the fuel for the day.

Paleo vanquished the hunger pangs... the cravings... the desire

to raid the snack machine.

And at the same time, my energy skyrocketed! My health

rebounded. My mental sharpness and clarity was nothing
short of miraculous.

And if you’ve ever tried the Paleo diet, no doubt you’ve

experienced similar results.

Up until then, except for the occasional piece of fruit,

I basically skipped breakfast. I figured I was SAVING the
energy I had for later in the day.

How wrong I was! Looking back, I can see I was an idiot.

But to my dismay, when I committed to eating

breakfast regularly the Paleo way, that’s when everything fell apart…

Bacon and Eggs, AGAIN?

The first stage of my conversion to Paleo was a breakfast diet consisting of little more than bacon and eggs.

Now, I love bacon and eggs! But every day? No way. After a while

I was sick of them, no matter whether they were poached, sunny
side up or scrambled.Then I tried the Internet route. I’d try different recipes I’d find off the
Internet. Some of them looked viable.But unfortunately, they were hit and miss--at best. Most of these folks
don’t know how to cook.And even more so, I couldn’t believe how difficult they made it! What
a pain in the butt! I felt like I was trying to make a 3 course dinner first thing in the morning. Yet, it was one thing to make it, quite another thing to EAT IT!Most of those Internet recipes were awful. My taste buds would revolt and… fed up with myself… I’d throw food in the garbage. Plus, some of these recipes would use pseudo-Paleo ingredients to get by. That’s a total no-no.And then there’s the clean up.Talk about a hassle!
And if you’re making breakfast for the family? Fuggedaboutit! Total pain in the behind.

But you DO know the Paleo pay off, right?

Vibrant health... mental clarity, alertness and focus... and

maybe most importantly,boundless energy for the day ahead.

So I kept at it. I redoubled my commitment. The health benefits I was getting were too obvious to ignore.

Along the way, I started to pick up ideas and collect them...

... Recipes. I occasionally discovered good, EASY-TO-MAKE breakfast

recipes and perfected them, making them GREAT!

... Easier, faster ways of food preparation. 10 minutes or less!

... Fabulous food combinations and ways of cooking and

presentation that give it that “breakfast” look and feel

Over time, being a part of the online Paleo community, I’d share my

ideas. Folks were always appreciative.

I mean, if you’re a Paleo convert, you already know breakfast is one

of those tricky meals of the day.

It’s easier said than done, right?

Especially when you’re scrambling... you’ve got the kids to take

to school... the early morning rush hour to beat...

Sometimes it’s just easier to just SKIP

that first meal of the day, right?

The demands of the day makes you think twice about heating up that skillet, doesn’t it?

But from a Paleo point of view, breakfast is the “make or break” time. 

Every morning, like it or not, your health and vitality are on the line.

You HAVE to make the time. There’s no avoiding it.

If you don’t, you know who loses out, don’t you?

You. And your health.

The only question is “Are you going to be eating “the same

old thing””? Or are you going to turn breakfast, as it should be, into
the most important meal of the day?

There may not be a way of avoiding it, but here’s what you CAN do:

You can make breakfast DELICIOUS…

You can make breakfast more nutritious...

And at the same time, you can make breakfast

easier and quicker...

So sit tight, because I’m going to show you how you really can have it all – delicious, easy to put together meals with all the nutritious health benefits of the Paleo Lifestyle.

When it comes to Paleo, you’re about to experience what amounts to a breakfast revolution!

I’m here to tell you a Paleo breakfast CAN be fun, fast and

mouth-watering every single day.

As you know, eating is a matter of juggling priorities.

Should you eat for taste? For nutrition? For speed? For cost?

Normally, breakfast time is about speed and taste. Getting out the door and on your way as quickly as possible...

A bowl of milk and cereal, topped with fruit along with a glass

of orange juice...
A bagel smothered with cream cheese and a cup of coffee...
Blueberry pancakes covered in butter and syrup...
Eggo Microwaved Waffles or toasted Poptarts...
But with Paleo it *SEEMS* all that has to change. But what I’ve discovered is it doesn’t have to.

Eating Paleo doesn’t have to be time consuming. You can eat the Paleo way and still get to the office on


Here’s the BIG Secret to

Enjoying Paleo Breakfasts…      

how detoxify your body lose weight

You're bombarded with toxins in today's modern world... everywhere from the polluted air you breathe, the water you drink, the shampoos and other cosmetics that lather your body with chemicals, and of course, all of the chemical additives, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics and other harmful compounds in the food that you eat.

All of these TOXINS can have harmful effects on your body, harming your metabolism and hormones, impairing your digestive system, and zapping your energy level.

If I could tell you ONE thing that you could do each morning right as you wake up to help your body eliminate some of these toxins, improve your digestion, stimulate your metabolism, and BOOST your energy, would you do it?

Of course you would... and it takes less than 1 minute!

Here's the trick...

Immediately upon waking each day, squeeze about 1/2 to 1 full lemon (depending on size of the lemon) into an 8 oz glass of warm or room temperature purified water.  This is gentler on your body first thing in the morning compared to ice cold water.  I've found that slicing the lemon into quarters before squeezing by hand is easier than squeezing halves.

Drink this at least 10 minutes before eating any food for the day.

Make sure to use fresh organic lemons to make this drink, and not bottled lemon juice.  You want to use organic lemons to avoid the pesticides that can accumulate.

3 Major benefits of this morning drink to your body, health, and energy:

According to a leading health publication,

"The health promoting benefits of lemons are powerful. For centuries, it has been known that lemons contain powerful antibacterial, antiviral and immune boosting components. We know that lemons are a great digestive aid and liver cleanser. 

Lemons contain citric acid, magnesium, bioflavonoids, vitamin C, pectin, calcium and limonene, which supercharge our immunity so that the body can fight infection.

Lemons are considered one of the most alkalizing foods you can eat. This may seem untrue as they are acidic on their own. However, in the body, lemons are alkaline; the citric acid does not create acidity once it has been metabolized. The minerals in lemons are actually what helps to alkalize the blood.  Most people are too acidic (from eating too much sugar and grains), and drinking warm lemon water helps reduce overall acidity, drawing uric acid from the joints.

This reduces the pain and inflammation which many people feel. And the American Cancer Society recommends warm lemon water to encourage regular bowel movements."

Benefits that you can enjoy:

1. Improves your digestion:

Lemon juice helps your body improve digestion and stimulates bile production. Lemon juice can even be an aid for heartburn and indigestion.

2. Boosts your energy for the day:

Even just the scent of lemon juice has been shown to improve your mood and energy levels, and reduce anxiety.  Plus the detoxifying effect and alkalizing effect of fresh organic lemon juice can improve your energy through the removal of toxins from your body.

3. Helps you to lose fat:

Since lemon juice helps to improve your digestive system, aids in removal of toxins, and increases your energy levels, this all combines together to help you to lose body fat as well through improving your hormonal balance... Yet another reason to add warm lemon water to your daily morning routine!

That's a pretty simple trick, right?

Now for the great news...

Here's what you should do next...

I want to share with you how to find plenty of delicious foods, spices, herbs, and nutrients that:

Naturally boost your energy, 

KILL joint pain,
Lower your blood pressure,
Fight diabetes & control blood sugar,
Boost your brain health,
HEAL your digestion problems,
and Boost your metabolism on the next page!


 check out paleo diet here


The #1 WORST Food that HARMS Your Brain

Certain foods you eat can indeed harm your brain, both in impaired learning ability as well as impaired memory.  Even worse, the wrong food and drink choices throughout your life can even lead to the terrible and deadly disease of Alzheimers.

A friend of mine just told me that her dad died of Alzheimers recently and it was just a terrible disease where he didn't even know who she was anymore towards the end.  It's time our society starts taking degenerative diseases like Alzheimers, cancer,

 and heart disease more seriously throughout our lives, and not just once it's too late. Even in our 30's, 40's, and 50's, the choices we make with our daily food can PREVENT these terrible diseases.

So let's dig in with the topic today of foods that harm your brain, and what you can do about it...

Food #1 that HARMS your brain:  Fructose

In a 2012 UCLA study published in the Journal of Physiology, researchers found that a diet high in fructose over time can damage your memory and learning ability.

Beyond the harm to your brain, it's well known in the research world that a high fructose diet can also cause insulin resistance in your body over time, and possibly lead to type-2 diabetes and extra body fat.  If that's not enough, a high fructose diet also detrimentally affects your triglyceride levels in your blood as well as small dense LDL particles that cause plaque in your arteries.

So what we have here is high-fructose intake = impaired memory and learning in your brain, increased risk of diabetes, and increased risk of heart disease. Oh, and we forgot to mention extra belly fat too...  Yum - who wants another can of soda pop or a large bowl of corn syrup sweetened ice cream!

The average person eating a modern western diet of processed food consumes a LARGE quantity of fructose without even thinking about it from all of the soft drinks (high fructose corn syrup typically), sweetened juice drinks, orange juice, processed junk foods such as cakes and candies, as well as the HFCS that's added to store-bought salad dressings, breads and cereals, and even condiments like ketchup.

Note that many sports drinks, even though marketed as "healthy", can have large amounts of corn syrup or even crystalline fructose as their main sweetener.  These sports drinks can be equally as bad as a soda for your body and your brain.  Don't be fooled by the clever marketing showing pictures of pro athletes guzzling this stuff.

Also note that agave syrup (aka, agave nectar) which is marketed as a "healthy" sweetener as well, is one of the most concentrated forms of processed fructose in sweeteners as well.  I personally stay away from agave sweeteners as much as possible unless the amounts are very small.

All of these fructose-laden foods and drinks are easy to avoid though if you choose to eat consciously... for example, make homemade salad dressings from your favorite olive oil and vinegar with added spices, or choose to drink unsweetened iced tea with lemon instead of sweetened drinks or juices.  If you use a lot of ketchup, try to reduce the quantity by mixing with mustard or hot sauce, which typically don't contain HFCS sweetener in any significant quantities.

Last thing to note about fructose... Yes, natural whole fruits do contain fructose, but generally contain MUCH smaller quantities of fructose than you would consume in a sweetened juice drink, soft drink or sweetened junk foods. 

 Also, the phytonutrients, antioxidants, and fiber that's contained in most whole fruits counteracts any negative effects of fructose.  I personally try to keep fruit intake to no more than 1-2 pieces a day due to the sugar and fructose content of larger amounts of fruit.

Here's a trick:  Did you know that limes and lemons contain virtually zero fructose, and only 3-4 grams of total carbs in a whole lemon or lime, whereas a typical orange contains 6 grams of fructose and 25 grams of total sugar per fruit. 

 I squeeze lemons and limes daily into either water or teas for a healthy flavorful drink. Fresh lemon juice has even been shown to control blood sugar response from a meal...another bonus!

Other Foods that HARM Your Brain:

You probably already know some of the harmful health effects of these foods, but long term effects on your brain are yet another...

Trans fats -- strongly inflammatory in your entire body including damage to cell membranes throughout your body.  Avoid hydrogenated oils in processed foods and deep fried foods.

Mercury -- studies show that mercury from pollution (coal burning plants are the biggest source of mercury pollution to air and water) and from fish that are high on the food chain such as tuna, shark, swordfish, tilefish, etc can possibly cause long term negative effects on your brain.  Limit these types of fish to a couple times a month and focus more on fish such as salmon, trout, and many other types of smaller fish to reduce your mercury load.

Wheat-based foods -- In the groundbreaking book, Wheat Belly, Dr William Davis makes a very convincing argument that wheat has addictive properties in the brain.  Wheat contains compounds termed "exorphins" that have an effect in your brain similar to opiate drugs.  This explains why people have such a hard time giving up their beloved breads, cereals, pasta, and muffins because these foods are mildly addictive.

I know personally from past experience that if I have have a pasta dinner, I'll go back for seconds and thirds as I just can't seem to stop eating the stuff.  And then hours after dinner, I'll get cravings for more carb-based foods or sweets.  But if I pass on the pasta and just have meat, veggies, and salad, I find myself totally satisfied after dinner with no cravings later at night.

The good news is...

There are plenty of superfoods, herbs, and spices that can protect your brain and your other organs too!

In fact, did you know that turmeric is one of the highest antioxidant spices that also exhibits brain-protecting effects? In India, where curry containing turmeric and other spices is eaten daily, rates of Alzheimers disease is among the lowest in the world, proving some of the brain-protecting effects of turmeric.

In addition, the powerful DHA and EPA omega-3 fats in fish oil has been proven in countless studies to protect your brain from damage over the years.

Want more...

I'll show you how to find dozens of delicious foods, spices, herbs, and unique nutrients that PROTECT your brain, joints, organs, and skin from aging on the next page!

These unique nutrients and superfoods can be found at most stores and can help PROTECT your brain from aging, HEAL your joints, reverse or prevent type 2 diabetes, normalize your blood pressure, SLOW aging of your skin, FIGHT against developing cancer, FIX years of digestion problems, and even help to BOOST your metabolism...

Excess Abdominal Fat and paleo diet

Although this picture depicts an overweight man, this article applies to dangerous types of fat inside the bodies of both men and women... and this discussion also applies even if you only have a slight amount of excess stomach fat.

Did you know that the vast majority of people in this day and age have excess abdominal fat?  It's true -- as much as 70% of the population in some "westernized" countries such as the US and Australia are now considered either overweight or obese.  The first thing that most people think of is that their extra abdominal fat is simply ugly, is covering up their abs from being visible, and makes them self conscious about showing off their body.

However, what most people don't realize is that excess abdominal fat in particular, is not only ugly, but is also a dangerous risk factor to your health. Scientific research has clearly determined that although it is unhealthy in general to have excess body fat throughout your body, it is also particularly dangerous to have excess abdominal fat. see here

There are two types of fat that you have in your abdominal area. The first type that covers up your abs from being visible is called subcutaneous fat and lies directly beneath the skin and on top of the abdominal muscles.

The second type of fat that you have in your abdominal area is called visceral fat, and that lies deeper in the abdomen beneath your muscle and surrounding your organs. Visceral fat also plays a role in giving certain men that "beer belly" appearance where their abdomen protrudes excessively but at the same time, also feels sort of hard if you push on it.

Both subcutaneous fat and visceral fat in the abdominal area are serious health risk factors, but science has shown that having excessive visceral fat is even more dangerous than subcutaneous fat.  Both types of fat greatly increase your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, sleep apnea, various forms of cancer, and other degenerative diseases.

Part of the reason visceral fat is particularly dangerous is that studies show that it releases more inflammatory molecules into your system on a consistent basis.

One of the major reasons that some people accumulate more visceral fat than others can be from a high carbohydrate diet that leads to insulin resistance over time (years of bombarding your system with too much sugars and starches for your pancreas to properly handle the constant excess blood sugar) ... and studies show that high fructose intake particularly from high-fructose corn syrup can be a major contributor to excess visceral fat.

So what gets rid of extra abdominal fat, including visceral fat?

Both your food intake as well as your training program are important if you are to get this right and the good news is that I've spent over a decade researching this topic, analyzing the science, and applying it "in the trenches" with myself as well as thousands of my clients from all over the world to see what works to really stimulate abdominal fat loss.

I've actually even seen a particular study that divided thousands of participants into a diet-only group and an exercise & diet combined group. While both groups in this study made good progress, the diet-only group lost significantly LESS abdominal fat than the diet & exercise combined group.

From my research, two of the most important aspects to getting rid of visceral fat are:

1. The use of high intensity forms of exercise and full-body resistance training.  Low intensity cardio exercise simply isn't as effective for removing visceral fat in particular.  High intensity exercise such as interval training, sprints (bike sprints or running sprints), AND full-body weight training are very effective at helping to improve your body's ability to manage glucose and increases insulin sensitivity, a crucial step in removing visceral fat.

These types of high intensity exercise routines are also very effective at increasing your fat-burning hormones and creating a hormonal environment conducive to burning off abdominal fat, including visceral fat.

2.  In addition, it's vitally important to get blood sugar under control to help restore insulin sensitivity through the right nutrition.  This means greatly reducing sugars and refined starches in your diet (including fully eliminating any use of harmful high fructose corn syrup!), and focusing more of your diet on healthy fats (such as avocados, nuts, seeds, coconut fat, olive oil, grass-fed butter, free-range eggs, fatty fish and fish oils, etc), 

as well as increasing protein and fiber intake.  
The standard diet recommended by the government, which contains an unnaturally high grain intake is NOT conducive to controlling blood sugar and reducing visceral fat!

Reducing grain-based foods in your diet and getting more of your carbs from veggies and high fiber fruits such as berries can go a long way to helping to solve this problem. next page