paleo diet foods to avoid

Did you know that 1 in 5 Americans struggle with “gut disorders”? That means constipation, CRIPPLING stomach pain, and diarrhea…

Many of these digestive problems go even deeper— causing psychological issues like anxiety or even DEPRESSION.

Going paleo is a GREAT step to heal a broken gut. Even though it can take time for an unhealthy gut to “adjust” to your new lifestyle, that won’t ever happen if you keep eating foods that are causing problems.

Did you know that there are even some “healthy” foods that can make your stomach absolutely miserable? Cutting them out of your diet for at least a month, and then adding them back in slowly, is the recipe for digestive health.

So let’s dive in. Here are 4 paleo foods to AVOID if you have digestive issues:


“FODMAPs” is a fancy acronym for “Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols.”

That’s quite a mouthful... but the name isn’t important. What matters is how they can wreck your digestive health.

FODMAPs are a type of carbohydrate (carb) that your small intestine has trouble digesting properly.

You can find FODMAPs in a lot of foods that would be healthy for you… if you didn’t have digestive problems.

The solution? Stay away from these foods for at least a month:

Fruits: apples, avocados, cherries, mangos, peaches, pears, and watermelons

Vegetables: asparagus, artichokes, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, eggplant, garlic, onion
After your gut heals, you can slowly add FODMAPs back into your diet and see how your digestion goes.

2. Coffee and Caffeine
Coffee’s great for a quick jolt of energy…

But it can cause CHAOS in your digestive system.

We’re talking stomach cramps, diarrhea, and constipation. Even if it doesn’t have those effects on you, it can make other digestive problems worse.

Coffee is also loaded with caffeine, which can cause digestive issue like irritable bowel disease or a leaky gut.

Did you know that a ton of people with digestive issues like IBD or leaky gut ALSO have problems with their adrenal glands? Yep. Caffeine messes with those too.

Save yourself the pain and give your body time to heal. Take a “caffeine break” for 30 days and see how you feel.

3. Raw Fruits and Vegetables
I know what you’re probably thinking:

“Aren’t raw fruits and vegetables some of the healthiest things I can eat?”

For most people the answer is an enthusiastic “yes”…

But it’s a bit more complicated if you have digestive issues.

The issue with raw fruits and vegetables: their high fiber content.

When you eat fruits and vegetables RAW, they’re packed with fiber—especially when you eat them with the skin. This makes it extremely hard for your body to break them down properly.

I’m NOT saying you should avoid fruits and vegetables completely…

But peeling and cooking them first makes them MUCH easier for your body to handle.

4. Nuts and Seeds
Nuts and seeds are some of the most popular paleo snacks around…

But they’re also some of the HARDEST to digest.

They’re full of “phytic acid,” which can cause a digestion nightmare if your gut hasn’t healed yet.


Because phytic acid binds to important minerals like iron and zinc, keeping your body from absorbing them. Phytic acid also binds to the enzymes you need to digest food.

If you’re dealing with digestion problems, eating nuts and seeds is like throwing GASOLINE onto the fire. They can make an already unhealthy gut even worse. Cut them out of your diet and give your body time to heal.

“So, What Do I Do Next?”

Your digestive system is unique. Some foods that you handle fine bother other people. And they may eat things that throw your stomach into knots.

The key: stay away from the foods above and give your gut time to adjust to a paleo lifestyle…

Ready to stop worrying about this stuff and HEAL your damaged gut for good?

We’ve teamed up with one of the most prominent chefs in the Paleo community to bring you dozens of nutritious, gourmet Paleo recipes in our new FREE cookbook.

Learn how to make gourmet dishes that don't give your damaged gut time to heal. Gourmet dishes like Mongolian Red Pepper Beef w/ Roasted Spaghetti Squash… in under 30 minutes.

After you give your gut time to heal, you can branch out and try some of the other mouth-watering dishes. It doesn’t matter if you’re busy or new to the kitchen. The cookbook breaks down how to prepare every dish step-by-step.

All you have to do is follow along… and enjoy delicious food how it was meant to be enjoyed: without stomach cramps   

The Top 5 Paleo Mistakes You MUST Avoid

Did you know that “going paleo”—eating the way your ancestors used to eat—is one of the best things you can do for your health? You can spend YEARS trying new fad diets and counting calories like most people, then end up feeling OLDER and SICKER than before OR you can stop chasing trends and start building a real foundation of health… one based on THOUSANDS of years of proven success.

The paleo principles are simple, but I have to warn you: they go against most of the “conventional” nutrition advice that’s been going around (and making people sick) for decades. Having an OPEN mind is the first step to feeling better.
Did you know that most people who struggle with paleo make the SAME common mistakes? That’s great news for YOU though. Once you know what those mistakes are, it’s much easier to avoid them and rejuvenate your life.
So let’s dive in. Here are the top 5 paleo mistakes to avoid…

1. Quitting Too Soon

Going paleo pays off for years and decades to come…
But RADICALLY changing your lifestyle can make for a tough few weeks.
You CRASH. You end up feeling more tired than you did before.
There’s psychological pressure from creating new habits. And it can be hard physically; sugars and grains are addictive, so you might not feel your best the first few weeks after you ditch them.
There are also social challenges. You might get funny looks from friends and coworkers. Your family could push back against the “new you.”
You won’t figure everything out in the first few weeks, and that’s FINE. Take action, make changes along the way, and reap the rewards for the rest of your life.
Whatever you do, don’t give up after just a few weeks!

2. Failing to Plan

Going from a typical Western diet to paleo is an INVESTMENT in your health. It’ll help you get the most out of life…f
But it takes some work up front.
There are challenges—especially in the first few weeks. You have to avoid foods you used to eat. Maybe you’re stepping into the kitchen to make your own meals for the first time.
How will you handle dinner if you have to stay late at the office?
What happens if you’re running errands and get hungry for a snack?
These are the types of questions to think about. Coming up with a basic plan of how you’ll start your new lifestyle makes it MUCH easier to succeed. You can always tweak things along the way.

3. Treating Paleo Like a "Detox" Diet

Grains. Sugars. Dairy. Legumes. Paleo’s “things to avoid” list can seem overwhelming.
A lot of paleo rookies focus too much on what to get rid of and not enough on what they should eat instead. They see paleo as a “detox” instead of a healthy new lifestyle.
Worrying ONLY about which foods to cut out is a recipe for disaster. You don’t get enough calories because you aren’t thinking about all the extra protein and fats you need…
So you end up hungry, tired, and annoyed. That’s no place to be when you’re trying to change the way you eat and live.
WPaleo isn’t a detox. It’s about making the right food choices, not just AVOIDING a lot of stuff.

4. Obsessing Over Perfection

Another common paleo mistake: people think it’s an “all or nothing” deal.
They beat themselves up for swiping a few French fries from their spouse’s plate. Or they decide paleo “isn’t for them” after giving into a sugar craving or two.
It doesn’t have to be this way!
Progress—not perfection—is the goal.
Every good decision helps. Eating well all day, then eating ice cream after dinner, is MUCH better than eating terribly all day and then having the ice cream.
It’s healthier to view being “perfectly paleo” as an ideal instead of a requirement.
Try to make the best choices you can… but don’t quit if you get off track. Just pick up where you left off and keep moving forward. That’s the path to long-term success.

5. Feeling Scared of Carbs

Carbs AREN’T evil, despite what a lot of people say.
Low-carb diets can work great, but some paleo newbies take the low-carb thing too far. They obsess over avoiding all carbs—even if they come from starchy vegetables or fruits.
This can leave you hungry all the time if you don’t replace those carbs with plenty of protein and healthy fats…
It’s even harder on people who work out a lot. They would have an easier time with paleo if they added healthy carbs to make up for the huge demands they put on their bodies.
How many carbs people need VARIES. So if you feel terrible eating low-carb paleo, try adding some carbs into the mix. They might be just what you need to get your new lifestyle on track.

“So, What Do I Do Next?”

Now that you know the common paleo mistakes, you’re in a good position to avoid them and revitalize your life.
So why not tip the odds in your favor?
Instead of stumbling over new ground all alone, you can turn to a BLUEPRINT designed to help you succeed.
The Pete's Paleo Eats Cookbook is that blueprint.
We’ve teamed up with one of the most prominent chefs in the Paleo community to bring you dozens of nutritious, gourmet Paleo recipes in our new FREE cookbook.
Learn how to make gourmet dishes like Mongolian Red Pepper Beef w/ Roasted Spaghetti Squash… in under 30 minutes.
It doesn’t matter if you hardly cook or if you’re a gourmet chef. The information inside empowers you with all the tools you need to make the right choices—time and time again.

paleo snacks protein bar

Fact: most protein bars that you see in stores or online are FAKE health foods.

They promote themselves as healthy,but in reality, they are TERRIBLE for you.

These days, it’s impossible to find protein bars that are made from real food – they often include many of these 5 TOXIC ingredients that you should never eat.

Toxic Ingredient #1: Soy Protein

Not only is soy notoriously unhealthy, but the majority of it is derived from genetically modified soybeans, which studies have shown cause significant inflammation and even tumors.

Soy also contains goitrogens – which can depress thyroid function (and lead to fatigue, depression, constipation, trouble thinking clearly, and more…)

Toxic Ingredient #2: High Fructose Corn Syrup

Despite what the corn industry says, HFCS is toxic and always made from GMO corn. This harmful product contains dangerous amounts of chemicals and contaminants that can cause heavy metal poisoning in large doses.

It’s not surprising that HFCS can lead to everything from diabetes, heart attacks, cancer, obesity, metabolic syndrome, and more.

Toxic Ingredient #3: Artificial Sweeteners

Although artificial sweeteners are marketed as “low calorie,” they ruin your metabolism and can even result in MORE weight gain than simple sugar.

Artificial sweeteners can dramatically increase your risk of obesity and metabolic syndrome – so they are definitely on the “NEVER EAT” list.

These are just a few of the MANY toxic ingredients you can find – not including canola oil, corn starch, partially hydrogenated oils (trans fats)… the list is endless.

The GOOD NEWS? There ARE alternative ways to get your protein bar fix without taking a bath in toxic chemicals.

Below, an unprocessed, real-food based recipe from The Paleohacks Cookbook that’s both delicious and healthy for you.


Chocolate Hazelnut Protein Bars (low carb, grain-free, gluten-free)
1 cup egg white protein powder (we use Jay Robb’s brand)
1/3rd cup hazelnut butter
2 T cocoa powder
½ t cinnamon
½ cup coconut oil
1/3rd cup honey


1. Place all of the dry ingredients in a bowl and mix well.

2. Heat the honey and coconut oil in a pan on low-medium 

3. until melted and warm.

4. Add to the dry ingredients and mix well.

5. Place a sheet of non-stick baking paper onto your kitchen table, and put the protein bar mixture in the center. Put another sheet of baking paper on top, and use a rolling pin to roll out the protein bar mixture to a 4x12 inch rectangle.

6. Cover with plastic wrap and place in refrigerator for 2-3 hours to harden.

7. When the protein bar has set and is hard to touch, remove from the refrigerator and cut into equal-sized portions.

8. Store the protein bars in the refrigerator.


You don’t have to eat processed protein bars to get your fix – you can make real, unprocessed, and tasty versions of these foods easily in your own home.

Luckily, we’ve teamed up with one of the most prominent chefs in the Paleo community to bring you dozens of nutritious, gourmet Paleo recipes in our new FREE cookbook.